Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Lunar Duo Post Game Story
Following up on the post game story section of my previous post regarding my hopes for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, I am trying to make a simple storyboard to expand on my thoughts for a post game story about the Lunar Duo, Cresselia and Darkrai, that can incorporate them both into the same post story events. This will allow Darkrai to be caught in the game without event distribution similar to what happened in the Delta Episode in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire which gave in-game access to Deoxys.

1)Once you pass the bridge in Canalave City, the Lunar Duo event begins with Sailor Eldritch running up to you upset about his son not waking up and having bad nightmares. Upon entering his house, Eldritch's son will be murmering in his dreams the Darkrai is causing the bad nightmares. Eldritch will say that since you are a strong trainer you should go to Fullmoon Island to get the Lunar Wing to help his son.
Key Locations: Canalave City, Sailor Eldritch's House
Scene Change: Boat sailing animation from Canalave City and if the time of day is not night time there will be lighting transition to night time during the sailing.

2)When you reach to Fullmooon Island, you make your way to a clearing to find Cresselia. Upon entering the clearing a cutscene begins with Cresselia decending from the sky but it would fly away when it notices you; leaving only the Lunar Wing behind. Soon after, Eldritch comes running to the clearing after seeing Cresselia flying away and asks if you were able to get the Lunar Wing.
Key Locations: Fullmoon Island
Lighting: Permanent Night Time
Scene Change: Boat sailing back to Canalave City

3)Once you return to Eldritch's house and have a cutscene where the Lunar Wing would glow and heal his son. But, this would cause you to lose it. This would end of the first half of the story. The day would end and you would end up back in your home.
Key Locations: Canalave City, Harbor Inn
Lighting: Permanent Night Time
Scene Change: Screen go dark similar to when you beat the Champion and you end up in your room

4)When you leave your home the next day, Barry rushes you telling you that everyone in Canalave City is having bad nightmares and won't wake up. He will say that you have to help and mentions he will fine you 1 million Pokédollars if you take too long. When you arrive in Canalave City, all of the streets are empty and only Eldritch's family is unaffected since they interacted with the Lunar Wing. Eldritch asks you to help the city and find out how to stop Darkrai. He suggests that you ask the Professor Rowan how to do so.
Key Locations: Player's House, Canalave City, Professor Rowan's Lab

5)When you go see Rowan about the issue, he will mention that the Move Deleter once told him about a similar story during his youth. When you talk to the Move Deleter in his house he will tell you about the bad nightmare he had in his youth at the old Harbor Inn. He will forget what you were talking about mid conversation and say that he remembered that he had a Member's Card which he forgot to return. He will hand you the Member's Card and tell you to go to the old Harbor Inn. When you enter the Harbor Inn a mysterious man will guide you to the bed where you will fall asleep and end up on Newmoon Island.
Key Locations: Move Deleter House, Harbor Inn
Lighting: From entering the Harbor Inn it will transition to permanent night time
Scene Change: The screen fades to darkness upon entering the bed with the player ending up on Newmoon Island

6)At Newmoon Island, you will go to a clearing where Darkrai is waiting. Darkrai would be standing on a ledge above you on its legs that are usually hidden then the battle will start. Once you catch him, the people in Canalave City will wake up from their nightmares, and the day would change to tomorrow. Later when you visit Professor Rowan in his lab, he will tell you that Cresselia is roaming around the Sinnoh region.
Key Locations: Newmoon Island, Canalave City, Professor Rowan's Lab
Lighting: Permanent Night Time